
Home / News / Are there any favorable factors for the development of the lighting industry?
Home / News / Are there any favorable factors for the development of the lighting industry?

Are there any favorable factors for the development of the lighting industry?

1. New growth points brought about by urban infrastructure construction
With the development of China's economy, urban infrastructure is being gradually upgraded, which will become a new growth point for the lighting industry. More and more large and medium-sized cities have begun to appear, and the related subway and aviation industries have been further developed, and the related supporting industries such as tunnels, docks, and airports will also be developed rapidly, which brings new opportunities for the future development of the company. opportunity.
2. The popularization and application of LED and other energy-saving light sources will promote the upgrading of the industry
Energy-saving light sources such as LEDs have the advantages of energy saving, emission reduction and environmental protection. Due to energy shortage, the LED industry has been vigorously promoted in countries all over the world. With the conversion of light sources used in lighting equipment from traditional light bulbs to LEDs, the market for lighting appliances for special environments will usher in growth opportunities for upgrading.
3. With the rapid development of my country's sports industry, the demand for lighting equipment in professional venues has expanded
Since 2008, my country's sports industry has entered a period of rapid development. As the material basis for the development of sports and the sports industry, sports venues will increase the demand for lighting equipment for professional venues in terms of their construction and operation.
4. The optimization of the national industrial structure and the upgrading of safety management have brought about continuous growth in the demand for special environmental lighting
The optimization of the national industrial structure has promoted the overall upgrading of supporting industry technology, accelerated the speed of technological upgrading, and thus brought greater demand for lighting. The improvement of the state's requirements for safe production and the improvement of enterprises' own safety awareness are conducive to the further expansion of the demand for special environmental lighting equipment.
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