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Do you know how to choose lighting?

economic life
The combined beam output is reduced to a certain percentage of hours, taking into account both bulb damage and beam output attenuation. This ratio is 70% for outdoor light sources and 80% for indoor light sources such as fluorescent lamps.
color temperature
The color temperature is expressed by the absolute temperature K (Kelvin), which is to heat a standard black body (such as iron), and when the temperature rises to a certain level, the color begins to change from red → light red → orange yellow → white → blue white → blue. Gradually changing the characteristics of this light color change, when the light color of a light source is the same as the light color presented by the black body at a certain temperature, we call the absolute temperature of the black body at that time as the color temperature of the light source (Figure 1).
When the color temperature is below 3000K, the light color begins to appear reddish, giving people a warm feeling. When the color temperature exceeds 5000K, the color tends to blue light, giving people a cool feeling.
Generally, the color temperature of 2700K to 4000K for home lighting is the most suitable, because this color temperature gives people a warm, warm and pleasant feeling.

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color rendering
The degree to which the light source presents the color of the object is called color rendering, that is, the degree of color fidelity. The light source with high color rendering can reproduce the color better, and the color we see is closer to the natural primary color. Light sources with low color rendering have poor color reproduction, and the color deviations we see are larger.
Why does the color rendering occur? The key lies in the spectral characteristics of the light. The wavelength of visible light is in the range of 380nm to 760nm, which is the red, orange, yellow, green, blue that we see in the spectrum. Blue and purple range. If the proportion of each color light contained in the light emitted by the light source is similar to that of natural light, the color that our eyes see will be more realistic.
Even the best decorations, furnishings, artworks, clothes, etc. will be tarnished by choosing the wrong light source.
Light source efficiency
The efficiency of a light source is the ratio of the luminous flux it emits divided by its power consumption.
Light source efficiency (Lm/w) = Lumen (Lm) / Power consumption (W)
That is, the amount of light emitted per watt of electricity, and the higher the value, the higher the efficiency of the light source. Therefore, for places with long distances, such as offices, corridors, tunnels, etc., light source efficiency is usually an important consideration.
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