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How much do you know about the development prospects of the lighting industry?

National related industry policy support
For a long time, the field of energy-saving lighting has been an area encouraged by national industrial policies and energy policies. Since 2002, the state has successively promulgated the "Tenth Five-Year Plan for Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of Resources", "Medium and Long-term Special Plan for Energy Conservation" (2004), "Provisional Regulations on Promoting Industrial Structure Adjustment" (2005), "Energy Development" Eleventh Five-Year Plan" (2007), "Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China" (2007), "Government Procurement List of Energy-Saving Products" (2007), "Interim Measures for the Administration of Financial Subsidy Funds for the Promotion of Efficient Lighting Products" (2008) and other documents , Promoting the rapid and healthy development of the energy-saving lighting industry. In 2009, the state listed the lighting industry as a key supporting industry in the "Light Industry Adjustment and Revitalization Plan", creating good development opportunities for the lighting industry. In March 2011, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Industrial Structure Adjustment Guidance Catalog (2011 Version)", which included the development and application of green lighting products and system technologies, emergency lighting equipment and lamps into the encouraged catalog.

Led bulb

Development Opportunities Brought by Expansion of Domestic Demand
During the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, the central government will adhere to the development strategy of expanding domestic demand and maintain stable and rapid economic growth. The "17th National Congress" put forward the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way. The country will increase the construction of infrastructure such as airports, railways, highways, and ports, and strengthen the construction of the ecological environment. In November 2008, the executive meeting of the State Council determined the development strategy of accelerating rural infrastructure construction. High-power high-efficiency lighting and special lighting supporting projects will be important supporting projects for these infrastructure construction projects. These policies have provided historic development opportunities for the special environment lighting industry
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