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Home / News / What are the advantages of electronic energy-saving lamps?

What are the advantages of electronic energy-saving lamps?

Mainly through the ballast to heat the filament of the lamp tube. When the temperature is about 1160K, the filament starts to emit electrons (some electronic powder is fixed on the filament). The electrons collide with the argon atoms and collide elastically. After the argon atoms collide, they gain energy and collide again. After mercury atoms absorb energy, they transition to ionization;
It emits 253.7nm ultraviolet rays, which excite phosphors to emit light. Since the filament temperature of fluorescent lamps is about 1160K, which is lower than that of incandescent lamps at 2200K-2700K, its lifespan is greatly increased to more than 8000 hours. There is no current heating effect like incandescent lamps, and the energy conversion efficiency of phosphors is also very high, which can reach 60 (lm) lumens per watt.
1) Compact structure and small volume.
2) The luminous efficiency is as high as 60Lm/w, saving more than 80% of electricity, saving energy.
3) Can directly replace incandescent bulbs.
4) The service life is longer, 6 to 10 times that of incandescent lamps.
5) The inner wall of the lamp tube is coated with a protective film and the use of triple spiral filaments can greatly extend the service life.
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